L0L (L zero L)
It has come to the Internet's attention that the acronym, LOL (Laughing Out Loud) has become grossely misused. People use "LOL" to simply indicate something was slightly humorous, when LOL was originally intended to indicate that something was so funny as to literally cause out-loud laughter, hence "Laughing Out Loud." LOL also does not allow for the expression of degrees of laughing. The Internet is adopting a new standard that will allow not only for the conveying of the level of laughter, but for much easier-to-type codes. Note also that previous standards did not allow for the expression of non-laughter, which L0 easily does, which is much easier than typing, "I did not even laugh a little, Scott."
Here are the new codes to be used when expressing laughter level:
L0 = Not funny at all
L1 = I smiled - traditional smile :)
L2 = I chuckled
L3 = I laughed out loud - traditional LOL
L4 = I laughed pretty hard for more than just a few moments - traditional ROFL - also, any L3 accompanied by clapping
L5 = (sightings include beverage of choice spewing from nose)No more, please, I can't stop the tear
+ is a suffix that Indicates any degree of laughter between those established above. Hence, a loud chuckle that did not reach full laughter status would rate an L2+. Situations invoking L5+ are considered dangerous and are to be avoided. Dreadful humor that results in an L0- generally results in fisticuffs.
Note that the L laughter codes have yet to reach 100% acceptance, so you may have to instruct new people from time to time. In the future, when people send you a LOL, please refer them to the above codes so that they won't continue to embarrass themselves.